Participant introduction

Mate Sučić

Chef and owner
Konoba Campanelo
Mate Sučić is the head chef and owner of the wonderful Konoba Campanelo located in Mirlović Zagora. The philosophy of his kitchen can be summed up in these words – traditional cuisine in a modern way. They use exclusively home-grown ingredients, which is a rarity in the scene. He aims to offer his guests something authentic and local, freshly picked from the garden that morning, but presented in a completely modern way. In running the tavern, Sučić is helped by his parents and wife. "We want our guest, when they come to the tavern, to smell the scent of the tavern and wine, pancetta, smoked ham. We pour them an aperitif so they can feel the charm and warmth of antiquity, and then they move to the restaurant where an old-fashioned dish awaits them, served in a modern way."