
Bread! Because we know it

In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, finding the time to prepare healthy food is a challenge, especially when it comes to basics like bread.

That’s exactly why we developed di-go bread mixes, designed to meet the needs of modern households for quick and healthy meals. Our mixes do not contain additives or preservatives, and they are simple to prepare – MIX, STIR, BAKE – even children can participate.

You will be convinced of the simplicity of preparing bread at home at the show cooking with Boris Škorput, an expert with extensive experience in the bakery industry and the current head of business development for bakery products. Experience firsthand how our mixes can make bread preparation faster, simpler, and healthier.

Speaker / Prticipants
BBD Baking Bussines Development Manager
Brand Manager
Lesaffre Adriatic